- 85% of school students reported being bullied during their school years
- 77% of our students are subjected to harassment by a Bully or Cyberbully and experience
physical, psychological and/or emotional abuse
- Every 7 minutes a child
is bullied on a school playground with over 85% of those instances occurring without any intervention
- 1 out of every 4 children is bullied at least once a month in some way
- 9 out of 10 cases of bullying are NOT reported
On a daily average 160,000 children miss school because they fear they will be bullied if they attend classes
- In 2009 surveys showed over 100,000 children carried guns to school as a result of being
Bullying is a serious problem, rising to one of the greatest concerns of schools today at all levels - elementary, middle
and high school. Bullying takes place today on many levels and directly affects our students, faculty, administrators and
parents. Trends and technology has allowed bullying to evolve and escalate to greater levels than ever before. The results
can be harmful, damaging, and even deadly.

Stop Bullying - Choose To Be Bully-Free addresses this serious concern by creating
awareness to the seriousness of this problem and offering students the truths, myths and misconceptions of Bullying, letting
students know and understand that Bullying does not have to be tolerated. We challenge students to make positive choices regarding
Bullying and Bully Prevention, learning that each and every student can do their part in creating a Bully-Free environment.

Stop Bullying! - Choose To Be Bully-Free Teaches Students...
What Is Bullying?
The Effects Of Bullying
Yourself - Are You A Bully? Take The Bully Quiz To Find Out
Learn Why Students Bully
Understanding The Different Types Of Bullying 
Respect & Being Accountable For Your Actions
What to You Do When You See Bullying
What To Do If You Are Bullied
How To Stop A Bully
To Help Someone Being Bullied - A Victim Of Bullying
Cyberbullying - What Every Student Should Know
Students Learn
How To Be Part Of The Solution
What You Can Do To Create A Safe, Bully-Free School
and much more