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We regularly receive requests from schools nationwide interested in offering our educational programs to parents, families and the community. School Programs USA proudly offers our most popular hot topic programs as part of our Parent Education Programs series.
While our faculty and students often learn and become aware of concerns and issues facing our youth today through our assembly programs, often times it becomes most important that the parents become aware, educated and proactive to truly receive the full benefits and impact from these programs. Educating our children is a combined effort involving our educators, our students, and our parents and community. The programs presented in our Parent Education Programs series are designed to offer parents, families and community members insight into the information, facts, trends and educational awareness to achieve a better understanding in our role in the success of our students.
Our Parent Education Programs can be hosted in conjunction with our student assembly programs and workshops, or are excellent as stand alone events. As with our assembly programs, our Parent Education Programs can often qualify for educational grant funding. Enhance your parent's role in the lives and issues that are facing students, parents and families today with these exciting and informational presentations.

HealthForLife.jpgHealthy For Life - Eat It, Move It, Live It! (available nationwide)
We are facing an health epidemic. Over the last three decades the childhood obesity rate has tripled! One in three American children are overweight or obese. We currently have the most unhealthy generation of kids in history. Healthy For Life will get your entire family excited about good health and nutrition with our fun and interactive participation program. Healthy For Life delivers the facts and encourages a healthy lifestyle by understanding healthy eating habits, making good choices and staying active. Parents are a vital component in our childrens efforts and success in developing and maintaining better habits and a healthier lifestyle. Healthy For Life - Eat It, Move It, Live It provides parents the information they need to know to confront this alarming trend and become part of the solution. The parents role is the most crucial in creating healthier habits, and leading our kids and teens to making smarter, healthier choices to become and remain Healthy For Life.

Int-CellLogoPARENTS.jpgInternet & Cell Phone Safety For Parents (available nationwide)
Everyday millions of students nationwide are using cell phones, computers and the world of online access for everything from their homework and research, to socializing and entertainment. There’s a wealth of information and resources available through these technologies and they can be great tools when used properly, but they also present the possibility for risk, abuse and potential dangers. Internet & Cell Phone Safety For Parents provides the truths, information and details students and parents need to know about cell phones, the internet, text messaging, "sexting", chat rooms and social sites. As parents, do you really know who your kids are talking to, what online communities your kids particiapte in, and the other uses and applications of their online and cell phone use? Parents rarely understand the risks, dangers and legalities that face our kids each and every time they use the technologies. Internet & Cell Phone Safety For Parents provides you the insights, facts and often misunderstood information you need to know. This eye openng presentation is something every parent should attend to obtain a better understanding of the world in which our kids and teens live, and the many possible dangers that exist.

MINDPOWER Memory - "Improve Your Memory, Improve Your Grades"  (available nationwide)
America’s #1 Student Memory Specialist, Author and Mindpower Expert Robinn specializes in teaching students how to discover and utilize their untapped memory potential.
Simply put, memory is the basis for all learning. To learn is to remember. The better your student's memory, the better their grades. Unleash your true memory potential. MINDPOWER Memory is an intriguing showcase of memory techniques and abilities that will allow audiences of all ages to memorize, remember, retain and recall information with great detail in just minutes with very minimal effort. You will be amazed and impressed as audience members are able to apply Robinn's memory secrets immediately to acheive amazing results. Audience members from kids to senior citizens will be able to remember, recall and recite details and information that they thought to be impossible just minutes earlier. A fun and interactive program for the entire family.

MPSucc.jpgMINDPOWER Success is an interactive audience participation program that teaches, motivates and inspires audiences to see and understand their own potential - to be the best you can be. MINDPOWER expert Robinn Lange shows us that success and achievement starts in your mind, determining the choices you make and the actions you take. MINDPOWER Success helps students and parents to become positive, confident and successful in all areas of their lives - in school, sports, music, career, and at home, now and for the rest of their life. (available nationwide)


 Stop Bullying! - Choose To Be Bully-Free (available nationwide) 
Bullying is a serious problem, rising to one of the greatest concerns of schools today at all levels - elementary, middle and high school. Bullying takes place today on many levels and directly affects our students, faculty, administrators and parents. Trends and technology has allowed bullying to evolve and escalate to greater levels than ever before. The results can be harmful, damaging, and even deadly. Stop Bullying - Choose To Be Bully-Free addresses this growing concern by creating awareness to the seriousness of this problem and offering parents the truths, myths and misconceptions of Bullying, letting students and parents know and understand that Bullying does not have to be tolerated. This presentation offers the information every parent needs to know including the most up-to-date information and trends. Understand your role in protecting your kids and learn what parents should look out for and how to identify, prevent and address this most serious situation. We challenge parents to make positive choices regarding Bullying and Bully Prevention, learning that each and every student and parent can do their part in creating a Bully-Free environment.

FamSafetySmartLogo.jpgSAFETY SMART is an educational program for families that empowers students and parents with the most current and updated safety techniques, tips and methods for personal safety at home, away from home, at school, or anywhere in public or private. The parents role, guidence and support is the foundation to the safety of our children. With the use of current technologies, we live in a much more sophisticated and aggressive world than ever before, and the need and understanding for personal safety is most crucial for every member of the family. SAFETY SMART brings parents up to date with the latest safety concerns, issues and content to allow you to establish a safety foundation for your family. As parents we can't be with and protect our kids at all times, so the importance of family safety education provides parents and their families with the information required to protect your family in a variety of environments. Safety education provides our kids with the positive messages and safety skills that develop self-esteem and self-confidence, while keeping them aware, alert, and safe. Kids learn how to recognize, identify, and react in potentially dangerous situations. Together, we will also learn how to prepare and respond by understanding the effective steps they can take to identify, control and remove themselves from these potential situations, as well as how to respond to emergency situations. SAFETY SMART offers the awareness, prevention and active skills that every family should know.



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